Apply Now: ASI now accepting applications for the Executive Cabinet, Chief of Staff, and UUAB Membership


Apply Now: ASI now accepting applications for the Executive Cabinet, Chief of Staff, and UUAB Membership 

 San Luis Obispo, Calif. 04/29/24 — ASI Student Government is currently accepting applications for Student Government’s Executive Cabinet, Chief of Staff, and UUAB membership.  

The Executive Cabinet works with student volunteers, ASI staff, and community members to carry out the president’s goals. Applications for the 2024–25 Executive Cabinet will be accepted April 29-May 17. Interviews will take place from May 20-31. For a complete list of responsibilities and information regarding scholarship eligibility, please visit the ASI Website. 

The Chief of Staff provides direct oversight and management of the ASI Executive Cabinet in day-to-day programming activities and initiatives and continuous leadership development to the ASI Executive Cabinet. Applications for the 2024–25 Chief of Staff will be accepted April 22-May 9. Interviews will take place from May 13–17. For a complete list of responsibilities and information regarding scholarship eligibility, please visit the ASI Chief of Staff Responsibility Guide 

The UUAB’s mission is to represent students by maximizing and improving experiences at the University Union, Recreation Center, Sports Complex, and Doerr Family Field. Applications for the 2024–25 UUAB Membership will be accepted April 29-May 10. Interviews will take place from May 13–17. For a complete list of responsibilities, please review the UUAB Responsibility Guide. 

To apply for these positions, visit the ASI website. 

For additional information, contact the Recruitment and Elections Chair, Marc Cabeliza, at or visit the ASI website 

