Elections are almost here! Starting Tuesday, April 23 at 8 a.m., students will be able to vote for their next ASI President and Board of Directors. Meet the candidates!
Students can vote through the ASI website and their Cal Poly Portal until Thursday, April 25 at 8 a.m. Following the voting period, winners will be announced on Thursday, April 25 at approximately 12 p.m. at the University Union Plaza Stage, and on the ASI website and Instagram.
Important Dates
April 18: Presidential Candidate Debates
April 22: Candidate Meet & Greet
April 23: The voting period begins at 8 a.m.
April 25: The voting period ends at 8 a.m. & results are announced at approximately 12 p.m.
What do the ASI President and Board of Directors Do?
The ASI President represents the general student body and acts as the official representative of ASI to the Cal Poly administration and the general public.
The ASI Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from each college that serve as the official student voice and act as the corporate governing body of ASI.
Can I Still Run in the ASI Elections?
Any student who wishes to run for candidacy and did not file or submit a candidate packet prior to the filing deadline can still run by filing as a write-in candidate. Write-in candidates’ names will not appear on the ballot and will need to be written in. Learn more about filing as a write-in candidate for ASI president and Board of Directors.
How ASI Elections Work
Voting: ASI elections utilize instant run-off voting. That means students will vote by ranking each candidate on their ballots — from first preference to last.
Instant Run-off Process: After the initial vote, the candidate with the fewest votes is disqualified and their votes are redistributed — based on the next preference on each ballot — among the remaining candidates. This process is continued until one candidate wins by obtaining more than half of the vote.
Remember to set a reminder for April 23 at 8 a.m. Your vote counts! Don’t miss out on helping decide your campus’ next leaders!
For more information about ASI elections, contact ASI Recruitment & Elections Committee Chair, Marc Cabeliza, at asielectionschair@calpoly.edu.