Sustainability Roundtables

Want to get involved with sustainability on campus but don’t know where to start?

Sustainability Roundtables are the place for you! Sustainability Roundtables are open to anyone in the Cal Poly community as a way to connect each week and discuss sustainability and social justice efforts on campus.

Sustainability Roundtables are being held on Zoom every Monday evening from 4—5 p.m.

Join Us

Divestment from Fossil Fuels

Cal Poly is working towards no longer investing in the fossil fuel industry and instead putting their investments toward clean energy and communities most impacted by climate change.

Sustainability in Week of Welcome

This coalition is working toward mandatory sustainability focused on Week of Welcome (WOW) events and training for incoming students, so that all Mustangs are educated on how to protect the planet.

Zero Waste Plan

The Zero Waste Plan coalition is headed by the Cal Poly Zero Waste Ambassadors and is working toward a Cal Poly campus with reduced waste streams and that is free of single use plastics.

Food Sustainability

This coalition is working to have Cal Poly Grown food and produce used more frequently in campus dining locations. The coalition is also working to make sure that all Cal Poly students have equal access to fresh, healthy foods.

Pollinator Protection Program

The Pollinator Protection Program is working to have Cal Poly certified as a “Bee Campus.” This means increasing the abundance of native plants on campus, providing nest sites, reducing the use of pesticides, and adding signage with information about pollinators, among other things.

See Something that Interests you?

Checkout these programs or start your own coalition by contacting the ASI Secretary of Sustainability,, or the Green Campus Team.