ASI/UU Internal Review Committee – Special Meeting
Friday, January 21, 2022
11:10 am - 12 pm
Public Event
Members of the public and campus community are welcome to participate and provide public comment during the open forum. Open forum takes place during the first 15 minutes of every meeting. If you are unable to participate in an ASI/UU Internal Review Committee meeting, but would like to address the committee, you may send a letter to the Committee Co-Chair. Letters will be read at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
The ASI/UU Internal Review Committee will be operating meetings in an online and open meeting Zoom format, pursuant with Assembly Bill 361 and Executive Order N-01-22, suspending certain open meeting law restrictions. Please contact ASI Student Government if you need assistance with participating in or virtually attending the meeting.
When: Friday, January 21, 2022; 11:10 am - 12 pm
Meeting ID: 869 3380 9229
Passcode: 069208
Public Event