ASI Board of Directors Workshop

Monday, September 23, 2024

6:10 pm - 7 pm

Public Event

Members of the public and campus community are welcome to participate and provide public comment during the open forum. Open forum takes place during the first 15 minutes of every meeting. If you are unable to participate in the meeting, but would like to address the board, you may send a letter to the Chair of the Board. Letters will be read at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Please contact ASI Student Government if you need assistance with participating in or attending the meeting.

Please note that the November 12 meeting will begin at 6 p.m. due to the Monday Holiday.

When: Monday, September 23, 2024; 6:10 pm - 7 pm

Where: Building 043, Room 109
Recreation Center Training Room

Public Event

Event Contact Name: Reagan Denny

Event Contact Phone: 805-756-1291

Program Email: