University Union Advisory Board Standing Rules
1. Standards for Student Members
1.1. All student members of the University Union Advisory Board (UUAB) shall comply with ASI Student Government Eligibility Requirements, as stated in the “ASI Qualifications for Office” document.
2. Attendance
2.1. UUAB Meetings and Workshops
2.1.1. All members shall be responsible for attending UUAB meetings, UUAB workshops, respective committee meetings, College Club Council or Student Advisory Council meetings, and student leader training.
2.1.2. Each member shall make every effort to attend all meetings and workshops of the UUAB and shall not be absent, without being excused by
the Chair of the UUAB.
2.1.3. Each member shall not be absent without excuse from more than one UUAB meeting or workshop in any quarter per the University Union Advisory Board Operation Code 4.3.4.
2.1.4. At the discretion of the Chair of the UUAB, a valid reason constitutes a mandatory academic obligation, a verifiable illness, or a family emergency.
2.1.5. If a member will be absent from a meeting, they shall inform the Chair at least 48 hours (or as soon as reasonable) prior to the scheduled UUAB workshop or UUAB meeting.
2.2. Ad Hoc/Standing Committees
2.2.1. Ad Hoc/Standing Committee members shall not be absent without a valid excuse from more than one meeting in any quarter.
2.2.2. The Chair of the UUAB and the Ad Hoc/Standing Committee Chair shall be notified by email regarding an intended absence for an Ad Hoc or Standing Committee meeting.
2.2.3. If a member will be absent from a meeting, they shall inform the Chair of the UUAB and the Ad Hoc/Standing Committee at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled Ad Hoc/Standing Committee meeting.
3. Members
3.1. Members are expected to attend their respective College Club Council or Student Advisory Council Meetings. Each representative shall make every effort to see that the members of their academic College Club Council are kept informed concerning meetings and activities of the UUAB by providing reports to that group.
3.2. Each member should express the views of their academic college but may vote in accordance with their own conscience when it is incompatible with the views of their
academic college.
3.2.1. Members’ thoughts and opinions should always be presented with respect for each other, the public, and anyone else in the room. It is important to remember to do so through body language, behavior, and word choices. Every conversation should add value to the topic at hand.
3.2.2. Members are expected to participate in debate and to discuss important issues at hand in a well-informed and fact-based manner. University Union Advisory Board Standing Rules
3.3. Each member shall be an active participant on at least one standing committee of the ASI Board of Directors and at least one Academic Senate and/or Universitywide Committee.
4. Representatives
4.1. Non-voting representatives on the UUAB are not entitled to a vote, and their attendance does not count towards quorum. 4.2. Per the UUAB Operations Code Section 3.7, the full committee of the University
Union Advisory Board shall be as follows:
Student Members
Chair of the UUAB
Vice Chair of the UUAB
Student members (six including the Vice Chair – one representative from each college)
ASI President or designee (cannot be a Director from the ASI Board)
ASI Board of Directors’ representative
Past Chair (non-voting)
Non- Student Members
Faculty representative (nominated by the Academic Senate Chair)
Alumni representative (Director of Alumni Relations, or designee)
University President’s representative (nominated by the University President)
Vice President of Administration & Finance or designee (Advisor)
ASI Executive Director or designee (Advisor)
5. Conduct of Meetings
5.1. Meetings shall be guided by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order and in compliance with the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Act, CA Education Code §89305 et seq.
5.2. All agenda items shall be submitted via a “Consideration to Add an Item to a UUAB Meeting Agenda” form in final draft to the Chair of the UUAB by 5:00 p.m. five (5) business days prior to the meeting or workshop, in order to be placed on the next meeting or workshop’s agenda.
5.3. UUAB meetings will take place on the following dates in UU 219 and will start at 2:40 p.m. for the Fall Quarter and at 2:10 p.m. for the Winter and Spring Quarters.
Fall Quarter
Monday, September 30, 2019
Monday, October 14, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
Friday, November 15, 2019
Winter Quarter
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Spring Quarter
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
5.3.1. UUAB workshops will be held every other Monday starting September 30, 2019 during fall quarter, and every other Thursday starting January 16, 2020 at 2:10 p.m. during winter, and spring quarters in room UU219. In the event of a holiday, the UUAB workshop will be held the next business day.
6. Agenda
6.1. At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the UUAB shall post an agenda containing a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting, including items to be discussed in closed session.
The UUAB agenda shall be structured in the following order:
I. Call to Order
II. Flag Salute
III. Letters & Roll Call
IV. Open Forum
V. Approval of Minutes
VI. Reports
A. Chair
B. Executive Director
C. University President’s Representative
D. Faculty Representative
E. Alumni Representative
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
IX. Liaison Reports
A. Board/President’s Designee
B. Universitywide/Academic Senate Committee
C. College Club Council or Student Advisory Council
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment
6.2. Discussion shall be limited to the following time-period unless a 2/3 vote succeeds in extending the discussion.
6.2.1. Open Forum – 15 minutes total (three-minute maximum per speaker)
6.2.2. Representative Reports – 10 minutes per report
6.3. Open Forum Participation: Open Forum is a 15-minute period of time near the start of each meeting during which any student or member of the community shall be allowed to state their views on any topic. Speakers may address items already on the agenda but are encouraged to reserve their comments until that item is brought up later in the meeting.
6.4. Special reports are periodic in nature and do not take place weekly; presentations by members of the campus community that relate to ASI fall into this category. Each report shall be limited to 20 minutes.
6.5. Any proposal not appearing on the agenda will be subject to a 2/3 vote of quorum before action is taken.
6.6. A speaker may be asked to relinquish the floor at the discretion of the Chair if they are being disrespectful, non-germane, or disruptive.
6.7. Recesses shall be for 10 minutes unless stated otherwise in a motion.