ASI Intramural 9x9 Soccer Rules

National Federation of High School (NFHS) Sports Rules shall apply to all games, with these exceptions and adaptations:

  1. The Game
    1. Start Time
      1. All players must check in with the ASI Intramural Sports Supervisor before the game with their unique IMLeagues Virtual ID Card and any valid photo ID.
      2. If the minimum number of players (6) are not present at game time, the game will be forfeited. Please refer to the ASI Intramural Sports Handbook for a detailed description of our forfeit policy.
    2. Manager Meeting
      1. Prior to the start of the game, a meeting between the two team managers and the official will take place at midfield. They will discuss rules and regulations which the manager must relay back to the team. Managers will play rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets the first possession.
      2. Team Spokesperson
        1. The team manager is the only person who may address the official and is the spokesperson for the team.
      3. Spectators
        1. Spectators who interfere with the field or play are subject to earn their manager (who will be required to sit out) a yellow card and ejection from the Sports Complex.
        2. Team managers are responsible for their spectators. Poor spectator behavior may cause a team to receive a low behavior rating.
        3. Ultimately, it is at the discretion of the IM Soccer Supervisor and/or the Field Supervisor(s) whether or not a spectator will be permitted to remain at the Upper Sports Complex.
      4. Zero Tolerance Policy
        1. There is no alcohol or drugs allowed at ASI Intramural Sports games. If a player or fan is under the influence, they will be ejected immediately, and disciplinary action may follow. If an ASI Intramural Sports Staff feels that there is a threat to participant safety or suspects that a team might be under the influence, they are required to stop the game immediately. If there is no proof of substance use, the game will be rescheduled for another time.
    3. Sportsmanship
      1. Sportsmanship Ratings
        1. Teams receive a Sportsmanship Rating 1 through 5 for each of their games, rated by the officials managing the game. Teams begin with a score of 4, the baseline, and their score is affected by their behavior throughout the game. The Sportsmanship Rating scale is outlined in the following subsection “Sportsmanship Rating Scale.”
      2. Sportsmanship Rating Scale
        1. (5) Five: Excellent Conduct and Sportsmanship
          1. Team members cooperate with and demonstrate good sportsmanship toward teammates, opponents, and all members of the Intramural Sports staff.
          2. Team captain exhibits control over his/her teammates and spectators; they converses calmly and rationally with officials regarding the interpretation of calls.
          3. Team members demonstrate proper respect for all equipment and the facility.
          4. Team members honor the spirit and intent of the intramural sport game rules and/or program policies.
          5. Team members accept judgment decisions made by the officials during the contest.
          6. The minimum number of team members needed to start the contest is present, checked in, and ready to play prior to game time. Teams who do not meet this standard are ineligible to receive a 5.0 rating.
        2. (4) Four: Good Conduct and Sportsmanship (Teams Begin at this Level)
          1. Team members exhibit good conduct and sportsmanship for the majority of the contest.
          2. Team members verbally complain about some decisions made by officials and/or show minor dissension which does not merit a technical foul/unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
          3. Team members do not show aggressive dissent toward the Intramural Sports staff or the opposing team.
        3. (3) Three: Average Conduct and Sportsmanship
          1. Team shows verbal dissent toward officials and/or the opposing team which may or may not result in a technical foul/unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
          2. Teams who receive multiple technical fouls/unsportsmanlike conduct penalties may not receive higher than a 3.0 rating.
          3. Team captain demonstrates minor control over teammates/spectators and/or does not actively promote good sportsmanship.
          4. Team members occasionally use profanity, although it is not directed toward staff/opponents. At game time, the team is not able to produce the minimum number of participants, resulting in a forfeit. The opposing team will automatically receive a 4.0 rating in this situation.
        4. (2) Two: Poor Conduct and Sportsmanship
          1. Team members continuously show dissent toward staff/opponents or use abusive/inappropriate language toward staff/opponents.
          2. Team members are continuously “trash talking” opponents and/or intimidating staff/opponents or playing dangerously/maliciously.
          3. Team captain is unresponsive and uncooperative in helping staff members to control teammates.
          4. Teams that have a player ejected may not receive higher than a 2.0 rating.
        5. (1) One: Disqualifying Conduct and Sportsmanship
          1. Threatening/making physical contact in an aggressive manner toward staff/opponents. Team members are out of control, intoxicated/under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or show a complete disregard for authority.
          2. Team captain shows no control over the actions of his/her teammates.
          3. Multiple players are ejected from the contest.
          4. A team member misrepresents him/herself by using another student’s ID card.
          5. Team members damage/attempt to damage equipment or the facility.
          6. An ineligible player participates in the game.
          7. Any team whose member(s) take part in a fight, instigates a fight, or throws a punch (whether connected or not) will receive a 1.0 and those individual players will be indefinitely suspended from all Intramural Sports events. Those members must meet with the Intramural Sports Coordinator before they will be allowed to resume participation in any intramural sports event. Any team that receives 1.0 is subject to disqualification from participation for the remainder of that sport and possibly the semester or academic year. All players on a team receiving a 1.0 may be put on probation or suspended indefinitely and may be subject to further sanctions through Judicial Affairs.
    4. The Players
      1. The game shall be played by two teams of nine players. Sis players are required at the start of game time to avoid a forfeit.
        1. If a team has 5 or fewer players at game time, that team will be assessed a forfeit fee.
      2. Barring injury, if at any time during the game a team has fewer than 6 eligible players, the game is over.
    5. Game Time
      1. The game will be played in two (2) 20-minute halves. The clock only stops for player injuries or an official’s timeout. There will be no “stoppage time.”
      2. Mercy Rules:
        1. If at any point in the second half a team is up by 10 goals, the game will end. If a team is up by 7 goals with 10 minutes remaining in the second half, the game is over.
      3. Overtime Games:
        1. During the regular season, games can end in a tie.
        2. In playoffs, we will use the following overtime procedure: one 5-minute sudden death (golden goal) will be played. If the game remains tied, kicks from the mark will follow in the format below:
          1. Each team will get five penalty kicks in an alternating format (Team A kicks, Team B kicks, Team A kicks, etc.). If one team has scored more goals at the end of the five penalty kicks, they will be declared the winner.
          2. If the score remains tied at the end of five kicks, the teams will continue to alternate kickers until one team scores and their opponent does not.
          3. The nine players on the field are the nine that will participate in the penalty kicks. No player that was on the bench at the end of the overtime period is allowed to participate in the penalty kicks. The goalkeeper is included as a potential kicker as well.
        3. If seven players kick and the game is still tied, the person that kicked first shall attempt the eighth kick, and the person that kicked second shall attempt the ninth kick (and will continue in that order until a winner is declared.)
    6. The Field
      1. Games will take place on the turf fields at the Cal Poly Upper Sports Complex.
      2. The field of play will be 55 yards by 110 yards.
      3. In order to ensure the safety of participants, staff, and fans, spectators will be asked to stay on the near side of the turf fields while viewing games.
    7. Player Restrictions
      1. Participants may only play on one team per league (e.g., one Competitive League and/or one Recreational League). If a league does not fill due to an insufficient number of teams or is not offered, the participant will be allowed to play on two teams in the same league, so long as they are in separate divisions. This is the only time a player may play in multiple divisions within a sport (e.g., Open Division I – Competitive and Open Division II – Competitive or Open Division II – Recreational and Open Division III – Recreational).
      2. Club sports players are only allowed to play in Division 1, or the highest division offered. There may only be two club players on the field at a time, but there is no limit to the number of club players on a team.
        1. A participant who appears on a club sports roster at any time during the academic year will be considered a club player for the sport similar to their Cal Poly club sport for the remainder of that academic year.
      3. Intercollegiate athletes may not participate in a sport similar to their Cal Poly sport until a minimum of three academic quarters (not including summer) after they have been removed from that sport’s active roster. They are, however, eligible to play an intramural sport dissimilar to the sport they play for Cal Poly.
  2. Equipment/Dress Code
    1. Uniform
      1. The home team wears white and the away team wears black.
      2. Players must check their schedules on IMLeagues to know which color shirt to wear. If there is any doubt, bring both colors.
      3. If every member of the team has the same uniform, they will be allowed to play at the discretion of the supervisor.
      4. A player with blood anywhere on their uniform will be instructed to leave the game until the uniform has been changed or approved after an evaluation by an ASI Intramural Sports supervisor or an ASI facility supervisor.
    2. Dress Code
      1. Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times during play.
      2. Metal cleats and screw-on cleats are not allowed.
      3. Athletic attire must be worn at all times during play.
      4. Wearing a hat is not allowed during play.
      5. Intramural officials can remove a player for improper dress code at their discretion.
    3. Jewelry
      1. Jewelry is not permitted; players must remove all jewelry before the start of a game.
  3. Soccer Rules
    1. Substitutions
      1. Substitutes will be allowed to enter the game when the ball is out of play and in your team’s possession (throw in/corner kick).
      2. Either team may substitute after a goal or on a goal kick.
      3. If a player leaves the game due to injury either team may substitute.
      4. A player who receives a yellow card may be substituted.
    2. Start of Play
      1. At the beginning of the game, rock/paper/scissors will be executed by the official. The team which wins the toss will have the choice of kicking off or deciding what goal to defend. Teams will switch ends of the field at the start of the second half, and play will start with a kickoff by the team which did not kickoff to start the game
      2. A goal may be scored directly from a kickoff.
    3. Ball in and out of Play
      1. The ball is out of play:
        1. When it has completely crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air, or
        2. When the official sounds his/her whistle.
      2. There will be no second whistle to restart play except:
        1. When a team asks the official for 10 yards,
        2. When play has been stopped to caution a player, eject a player, or following an injury.
        3. For a penalty kick.
        4. When a goal is scored, the first of two whistles is blown. The second whistle is to restart play on the ensuing kickoff.
      3. The ball is put back into play after it has crossed the touchline at the point where it went out of play. The ball is put back into play with a throw in any direction by a player of the team that did not touch the ball last.
    4. Method of Scoring
      1. A goal is scored when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line. Each goal is worth one point.
    5. Fouls and Misconduct – Free Kicks
      1. Free kicks shall be classified under one type of kick – Direct Kick (from which a goal can be scored directly against the offending side)
        1. All free kicks, except penalty kicks, may be kicked in any direction.
        2. All free kicks are taken from the point where the infraction occurred, except the penalty kick, which must be taken at the twelve (12) yard mark and kicked forward.
      2. Offenses for which a Direct free kick can be given are:
        1. Handling the ball: a player will be penalized for intentionally handling, carrying, striking, or propelling the ball with a hand or arm. Moving hands or arms to protect oneself is intentionally handling.
          1. Unintentional handling occurs when the ball strikes the hands or arms of a player who has not moved the hands, or arms to play the ball. The official shall call out “play on” and raise both arms in a forward sweeping motion to indicate that he/she has seen the incident.
        2. Placing hands or arms on an opponent to reach the ball, or to hold an opponent.
        3. Pushing an opponent.
        4. Striking or attempting to strike an opponent.
        5. Jumping at an opponent.
        6. Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent.
        7. Tripping an opponent.
        8. Using the knee on an opponent.
        9. Charging an opponent from behind.
        10. Charging an opponent violently or dangerously – a player who leaves the ground with both feet or throws his/her weight against an opponent is guilty of charging.
          1. A fair charge is one in which a player makes non-violent shoulder-to-shoulder contact with an opponent, with the arms and elbows close to his/her own body, at least one foot on the ground, and the ball within playing distance.
          2. A player shall be ejected (red card) for charging into the goalkeeper in the penalty area, unless the goalkeeper is obstructing an opponent.
          3. The official will remove, without caution, any player who intentionally charges the goalkeeper. The player will be removed from the game without substitution.
          4. Possession or control of the ball will include when the goalkeeper has the ball trapped by either or both hands or when bouncing it to the ground, or when the goalkeeper throws the ball into the air and catches it again.
          5. Outside of the penalty area the goalkeeper has no more privileges than any other player.
        11. Charging an opponent while both feet are off the ground in an effort to head the ball.
        12. Handling by the goalkeeper outside the penalty area.
          ***All direct kicks awarded in the penalty area are penalty kicks.
      3. Offenses for which a Direct free kick can also be given are:
        1. A player playing the ball a second time before it has been played by another player at the kickoff, a throw-in, a free kick, a corner kick, or a goal kick if the ball has passed outside the penalty area.
        2. Using foul or abusive language directed towards a player or official. A yellow/red card may also be issued.
        3. If the goalkeeper takes more than 6 seconds to kick or throw the ball in the air or down the field.
        4. On any occasion when a player deliberately kicks the ball to their own goalkeeper, and they touch it with their hands.
    6. No sliding (A slide in soccer occurs when 3 points of contact are made with the ground while any are in motion) – the ASI Intramural Sports league does not permit sliding for the safety of all players. Any slide tackle will be penalized with a direct kick for the opposing team and a yellow or red card for the offending player, depending on the severity.
      1. Goalkeepers are permitted to slide in the penalty area.
    7. Penalty Kicks
      1. A penalty kick shall be taken from the penalty mark which is 12 yards from the goal line. When it is being taken, all players except for the player taking the kick and the opposing goalkeeper shall be within the field of play; all other players must be outside the penalty area, behind the ball, and at least ten (10) yards from the penalty mark.
      2. The defending team’s goalkeeper must start with both feet on the goal line; they may not advance forward before the taking of the kick; lateral movement on the line is allowed.
        1. Penalty—Encroachment. Encroachment by the defending team or foot movement by the defending team’s goalkeeper is ignored if the goal is scored; but if the penalty shot is missed or saved, the penalty kick is retaken.
      3. Should the ball hit the goal posts or crossbar and rebound into play, the player who played the ball must not play it again until it has been touched by another player.
        1. Penalty—Direct kick
      4. Penalty kicks may be taken by any team member currently on the field and does not have to be the player who was fouled. This also holds true for Co-Rec games.
    8. Throw-In
      1. When the ball passes completely over a touch line, either on the ground or in the air, it shall be thrown in from the point where it crossed the line; it may be thrown into play in any direction by a player of the team opposite to that of the player who last touched it. The thrower delivering the ball must face the field of play and part of each foot shall be on the ground outside or on the touch line. No part of the feet may be in the field of play. The thrower must use both hands and arms and shall deliver the ball from over and behind their head. The ball shall be in play immediately when thrown, but the thrower shall not play the ball until it has been touched or played by another player. A goal shall not be scored directly from a throw-in.
      2. If the ball is improperly thrown-in, the throw-in shall be taken by a player of the opposing team.
      3. If the ball fails to enter the field of play, the throw-in shall be taken by a player of the opposing team.
      4. If the thrower plays the ball a second time before it has been touched or played by another player, a direct free kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.
      5. If an opponent interferes with or in any way impedes the actions of the thrower while the throw-in is being taken, the official will administer a yellow card for unsportsmanlike conduct and restart with a direct free kick.
    9. Drop Ball
      1. A drop ball occurs:
        1. Following a suspension of play for an injury or unusual situation and no team has clear possession of the ball.
        2. A simultaneous foul by both teams.
        3. When the ball becomes deflated.
    10. Goal Kick
      1. A goal kick will be awarded to the defending team when the entire ball crosses the goal line, excluding that portion between the goal post and under the crossbar, either in the air or on the ground, having last been played by the offensive team.
      2. Players opposing the kicker shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball moves out of the penalty area.
      3. The ball shall be kicked from the ground from any point within the goal area by the defending team. A goal kick shall clear the penalty area and enter the field of play. If the ball is not kicked beyond the penalty area, the goal kick shall be repeated.
      4. The defending team (team taking the goal kick) can be inside the penalty area and touch the ball while inside.
      5. After the goal kick leaves the penalty area, the ball may be played by any player except the one who executes the goal kick.
        1. Penalty—Direct free kick awarded to the opponents from the spot of the foul.
      6. The goalkeeper shall not pick up the ball and play it.
        1. Note: All free kicks taken by the defense within the penalty area must leave the area in order to be considered a “live” ball. Infraction: Re-kick from the original spot where the kick was taken.
    11. Corner Kick
      1. When the ball passes completely over the goal line, excluding that portion between the goal posts and under the cross bar, either in the air or in the ground, having last been touched by one of the defending team, a member of the offensive team will take a kick from within the quarter-circle at the nearest corner flag.
      2. The corner flag may not be removed to take the corner kick.
      3. A goal may be scored directly from such a kick.
      4. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the corner kick must not come within ten (10) yards of the ball until it is in play. (i.e., It has traveled the distance of its own circumference; neither must the kicker play the ball a second time until it has been touched or engaged by another player.)
    12. Goal Summary
      1. A goal may be scored:
        1. From a direct free kick.
        2. Directly from a kick-off.
        3. Directly from a penalty kick.
        4. Directly from a corner kick.
        5. Directly from a goal-kick.
        6. Directly from a goalkeeper’s throw, punt, or drop-kick.
      2. A goal may not be scored:
        1. Directly from a throw-in.
        2. Directly from a drop ball.
  4. Offside Rules
    1. A player is in an offsides when they are nearer to their opponents’ goal line than the ball—and when nearer to the goal line than at least two defenders. When a player is in their own defensive half, or when a goal kick, corner kick, or throw-in has not yet been touched by another teammate, that player is not offside.
    2. A player has only committed an offside violation if they are in the offside position when the ball touches or is played by a teammate; and if they interfere with play or with an opponent or gain an advantage by being in that position.
    3. The penalty for offside is a direct free kick at the spot of the infraction.
  5. Sportsmanship
    1. Abusive language will not be tolerated at any time (before, during or after the game). A player cautioned by a yellow card may be substituted immediately and not returned until the next legal substitution opportunity (at the official’s discretion). The same player receiving a second yellow card shall be disqualified and cannot be replaced. A player receiving a red card shall be disqualified and cannot be replaced. During a game, if a team receives either a total of four yellow cards or two red cards, the game shall be declared over and the opponent granted a victory, regardless of the score. Any player or manager assessed a red card (or otherwise ejected) will automatically be suspended from the game and must leave the field.
    2. A player shall be issued a yellow card if she or he:
      1. demonstrates unsportsmanlike behavior
      2. dissents by word or action
      3. persistently infringes the law of the game
      4. illegally enters the game
      5. illegally exits the game
      6. delays the restart of the game (throw in, corner kick, free kick)
      7. does not assume the 10 yards on a corner kick or free kick
      8. commits non-malicious slide tackle
      9. is found wearing jewelry (medical alert bracelets/necklaces are the only exceptions to jewelry restrictions)
      10. illegal number of club players on the field
      11. an individual who is playing that is not on the roster/checked-in
    3. A player shall be issued a red card (sent out of game and ejected out of the facility) if they:
      1. receives a second yellow card in the same game
      2. demonstrates violent conduct
      3. demonstrates serious foul play
      4. uses foul and abusive language
      5. commits a malicious slide tackle
    4. A player shall be issued an administrative red card (sent out of game) if they:
      1. intentionally physically impedes a player with an obvious opportunity to score a goal
      2. denies his opponent a goal by intentionally handling the ball
      3. Commit a second non-malicious slide tackle



Individuals should play and participate with integrity and respect for others while engaging in ASI Intramural Sports. Good sportsmanship is vital to the success of the intramural sports program and the quality of experience for all participants. Teams are responsible for the actions of individual team members and spectators related to their team. Organizations will be held responsible for their behavior before, during, and after the match. In order to encourage proper conduct during the game, supervisors and administrative personnel will make decisions on whether to warn, penalize, or eject people and/or teams for poor sportsmanship. These decisions will be final. Any team receiving an unacceptable sportsmanship rating is required to have their manager meet with intramural staff before they are considered for continued participation. Any individual ejected from an intramural contest will have to meet with the intramural advisory committee before they can be considered to continue participating in intramural events.