ASI Intramural Kickball Rules
World Kickball Association rules shall apply to all games, with these exceptions and adaptations:
- The Game
- Start Time
- All players must check in with the ASI Intramural Sports supervisor before the game with their unique IMLeagues Virtual ID Card and any valid photo ID.
- If the minimum number of players (6) is not present at game time, the game will be forfeited. Please refer to the ASI Intramural Sports Handbook for a detailed description of our forfeit policy.
- Manager Meeting
- Prior to the start of the match, a meeting between the two team managers and the official will take place at the official’s stand. They will discuss rules and regulations—and the team managers must relay instructions back to their teams.
- Officials will determine which team chooses to hit or field first using an arbitrary method (i.e., coin flip or rock, paper, scissors). The winner has two options: to hit or to play the field.
- During playoffs, the team with a higher seed will field first.
- Team Spokesperson
- The team manager is the only person who may address the official and is the spokesperson for the team.
- Spectators
- Spectators who interfere with the court or play are subject to ejection from the Sports Complex.
- Teams are responsible for their spectators. Poor spectator behavior may cause a team to receive a low behavior rating.
- Zero Tolerance Policy
- There is no alcohol or drugs allowed at ASI Intramural Sports games. If a player or fan is under the influence, they will be ejected immediately and disciplinary action may follow. If an Intramural Sports supervisor feels that there is a threat to participant safety or suspects that a team might be under the influence, they are required to stop the game immediately. If there is no proof of substance use, the game will be rescheduled for another time.
- Sportsmanship
- Sportsmanship Ratings
- Teams receive a Sportsmanship Rating of 1 through 5 for each of their games, rated by the officials managing the game. Teams begin the game with a score of 4, the baseline, and their score is affected by their behavior throughout the game. The Sportsmanship Rating scale is outlined in the following subsection “Sportsmanship Rating Scale.”
- Sportsmanship Rating Scale
- (5) Five: Excellent Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team members cooperate with and demonstrate good sportsmanship toward teammates, opponents, and all members of the Intramural Sports staff.
- Team captain exhibits control over his/her teammates and spectators; they converses calmly and rationally with officials regarding the interpretation of calls.
- Team members demonstrate proper respect for all equipment and the facility.
- Team members honor the spirit and intent of the intramural sport game rules and/or program policies.
- Team members accept judgment decisions made by the officials during the contest.
- The minimum number of team members needed to start the contest is present, checked in, and ready to play prior to game time. Teams who do not meet this standard are ineligible to receive a 5.0 rating
- (4) Four: Good Conduct and Sportsmanship (Teams Begin at this Level)
- Team members exhibit good conduct and sportsmanship for the majority of the contest.
- Team members verbally complain about some decisions made by officials and/or show minor dissension which does not merit a technical foul/unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
- Team members do not show aggressive dissent toward the Intramural Sports staff or the opposing team.
- (3) Three: Average Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team shows verbal dissent toward officials and/or the opposing team which may or may not result in a technical foul/unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
- Teams who receive multiple technical fouls/unsportsmanlike conduct penalties may not receive higher than a 3.0 rating.
- Team captain demonstrates minor control over teammates/spectators and/or does not actively promote good sportsmanship.
- Team members occasionally use profanity, although it is not directed toward staff/opponents. At game time, the team is not able to produce the minimum number of participants, resulting in a forfeit. The opposing team will automatically receive a 4.0 rating in this situation.
- (2) Two: Poor Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team members continuously show dissent toward staff/opponents or use abusive/inappropriate language toward staff/opponents.
- Team members are continuously “trash talking” opponents and/or intimidating staff/opponents or playing dangerously/maliciously.
- Team captain is unresponsive and uncooperative in helping staff members to control teammates.
- Teams that have a player ejected may not receive higher than a 2.0 rating.
- (1) One: Disqualifying Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Threatening/making physical contact in an aggressive manner toward staff/opponents. Team members are out of control, intoxicated/under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or show a complete disregard for authority.
- Team captain shows no control over the actions of his/her teammates.
- Multiple players are ejected from the contest.
- A team member misrepresents him/herself by using another student’s ID card.
- Team members damage/attempt to damage equipment or the facility.
- An ineligible player participates in the game.
- Any team whose member(s) take part in a fight, instigates a fight, or throws a punch (whether connected or not) will receive a 1.0 and those individual players will be indefinitely suspended from all Intramural Sports events. Those members must meet with the Intramural Sports Coordinator before they will be allowed to resume participation in any intramural sports event. Any team that receives 1.0 is subject to disqualification from participation for the remainder of that sport and possibly the semester or academic year. All players on a team receiving a 1.0 may be put on probation or suspended indefinitely and may be subject to further sanctions through Judicial Affairs.
- (5) Five: Excellent Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Sportsmanship Ratings
- The Players
- The game shall be played by two teams where Eight players will play the field.
- A team must have six players present and ready to play by scheduled game time and must continue to have six players during the game or a forfeit shall be declared. All members of the team (whether playing the field or not) will be placed in the line-up and all players must kick. Players arriving late may be added to the line-up at any time.
- Teams with less than eight players will be charged with an out when the missing players reach their kicking position in the line-up (ghost out).
- The line-up must stay the same for the entirety of the game, except for in cases of injury and/or substitution at the discretion of the Intramural Sports Official.
- The game shall be played by two teams where Eight players will play the field.
- Game Length
- Games will be 7 innings (6 ½ if the home team is ahead) or 60 minutes—whichever comes first. No new inning may begin after 50 minutes.
- Extra innings will be played with international tie breaker rules. Each extra inning will start with one out and the last player out from the previous inning occupying second base.
- Extra innings only apply to playoffs
- The Field
- Games will take place at the Cal Poly Lower Sports Complex softball fields.
- Player Restrictions
- Participants may only play on one team per league (e.g., one Competitive and/or one Recreational League). If a league does not fill due to an insufficient number of teams or is not offered, the participant will be allowed to play on two teams in the same league, so long as they are in in separate divisions. This is the only time a player may play in multiple divisions within a sport (e.g., Open Division I – Competitive and Open Division II – Competitive or Open Division II – Recreational and Open Division III – Recreational).
- Start Time
- Equipment/Dress Code
- Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times during play.
- Metal cleats or screw-on cleats are not permitted.
- Athletic attire must be worn at all times during play.
- ASI Intramural staff can remove a player for improper dress code at their discretion.
- All teams must use the kickball provided by the ASI Intramural Staff.
- Kickball Rules
- Pitching Regulations
- The kicking team is responsible for providing a pitcher when their team is kicking.
- The pitcher will be allowed up to three warm-up pitches between innings.
- The pitcher shall not intentionally interfere with a kicked ball. If the umpire deems the interference to be an intentional act, the kicker is out, and all base runners must return to the base in which they occupied prior to the pitch.
- Fielding Regulations
- Eight players will occupy the field on defense. An individual person is recommended to play the pitchers position area, but it is not required.
- Fielders may get the runners out if they successfully throw and hit the runner in flight below the head or neck area while they are advancing from base to base.
- If a runner is hit directly in the head with a throw from a fielder while trying to advance to the next base, the ball becomes dead and all base runners will be awarded one base from the time of the throw.
- Base Running
- Base runners may only leave the base when the batter contacts the ball. If the runner leaves early, they will be called out.
- Base runners are not allowed to steal bases or advance on a passed ball or wild pitch.
- Base runners must run within the base path when running between bases. If a runner goes out of the base path while trying to avoid a tag, they will be called out, but the play will continue.
- Base runners are NOT allowed to initiate contact with ANY defensive players. They are allowed to slide or avoid tags, but no deliberate motions to knock the ball out of a defensive player’s possession will be allowed. Any similar act will be called INTERFERENCE, and the base runner(s) will be called out, and the ball immediately dead, with all runners returning to their previous base. Players will be ejected for any act the umpire and/or supervisor deem flagrant, and their judgment may not be protested.
- Base runners are also not allowed to intentionally break up a double play (i.e., avoiding or sliding into the fielder’s attempt to start or complete a double play). If this happens, the interfering base runner will immediately be called out, and the succeeding runner may also be called out, depending on the umpire’s judgment.
- A runner is out if they are off a base and are hit by a batted ball that has not passed any fielders EXCEPT the pitcher.
- Pinch runners are NOT allowed, except in case of injury. If this happens, the injured player who utilizes the courtesy runner may NOT return to the game. The courtesy runner must be the same gender as the last out.
- Runners are not allowed to pass other runners on the base path. If this happens, the runner who is passed shall continue, and the runner who passed will be called out.
- Base runners MUST tag up after a non-ground ball is legally caught. Tagging up: runners must touch their last legally obtained base after a fielder has contacted the line drive or pop-up.
- If a player misses a base, they may return to touch it. If they have touched another base, they must return along the base path.
- Close Plays at Home
- Any runner going home will not physically touch home plate itself. Instead, they will run behind home plate and cross a chalk line (the “home line”) created by the official prior to the start of the game.
- There will also be a chalk line drawn two-thirds of the way from third base to home (the line will be closer to home than third base). After the runner crosses this line, they must continue to the home line.
- After a runner crosses the two-thirds line, home plate becomes a force-out. There will be no tag-outs at home plate.
- If the runner crosses the home line before the defending player at home is in possession of the ball and touching home plate, the runner is safe.
- If the defending player is in possession of the ball and touches the plate before the runner crosses the home line, the runner is out.
- Tag-outs will not be allowed at home. However, peg-outs are allowed at home. Normal peg-out rules apply. If the runner crosses the home line before the ball contacts them, the runner is safe.
- Pitching Regulations
Individuals should play and participate with integrity and respect for others while engaging in ASI Intramural Sports. Good sportsmanship is vital to the success of the intramural sports program and the quality of experience for all participants. Teams are responsible for the actions of individual team members and spectators related to their team. Organizations shall be held responsible for their behavior before, during, and after the match. In order to encourage proper conduct during the game, supervisors and administrative personnel shall make decisions on whether to warn, penalize, or eject persons and/or teams for poor sportsmanship. These decisions will be final. Any team receiving an unacceptable sportsmanship rating is required to have their manager meet with intramural staff before they are considered for continued participation. Any individual ejected from an intramural contest will have to meet with the intramural advisory committee before they can be considered to continue participating in intramural events.