Michelle Crawford
Executive Director
Alumni Council Staff, Business Services
Michelle Crawford began her employment with ASI as a student in 2002 and was approved by the ASI Board of Directors to serve as the ASI Executive Director in 2022. Throughout her career with ASI, she has held numerous positions including student manager, temporary assistant coordinator, coordinator, assistant director, associate director, and most recently director – University Union. In each of her roles, Michelle combined her passion for student development and commitment to being a strong steward of student fees with the responsibility to provide outstanding programs and services to Cal Poly students.
In her role as Executive Director, Michelle is accountable for the financial, legal, and administrative management of ASI. In addition, she is responsible for the general management of all ASI resources, programs, and managed facilities, ensuring that ASI effectively supports and complements the educational mission of Cal Poly.
Michelle has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in recreation, parks, and tourism administration, both from Cal Poly.