Daren Connor
Assistant Director Facility Operations — University Union
University Union
Daren began his employment with ASI in 1993. Throughout his career, he has held numerous positions including being the program coordinator for a travel center, the ASI Craft Center, Chumash Challenge Ropes Course, an automobile repair center, a photocopy center, ASI Poly Escapes, ASI Club Services, and ASI Events. In his current role as the assistant director – University Union facility operations, Daren oversees professional and student staff who support the daily functions of operating the University Union. His teams include the audio-visual support staff, the full-time and student custodial staff, the facility supervisor team, the maintenance staff, and the Event Management department which consists of facility reservations schedulers, event logistics planners, and venue set-up and tear down staff. Serving in a key management role is also a function of Daren’s role. Daren has a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a master’s degree in education administration; both from Cal Poly. He received the ASI Outstanding Service Award in 2001 and the Student Affairs Chandler Award in 2019. Daren’s favorite thing about working at ASI is the unique opportunity to work with, mentor, and provide students with developmental coaching that has a lasting impact on their out of classroom experience at Cal Poly.
You never know where your influence will end.