Presidential Campaign Close-Out Statement

Presidential Campaign Close-Out Statement

Per the ASI Election Code, the cost of a presidential campaign shall not exceed $750 in total campaign expenditures from all sources. If physical campaign material is suspended (Article IX, Section C, 11a), the cost of a presidential campaign shall not exceed $250 in total campaign expenditures from all sources. The estimated value of campaign materials is subject to verification by the disciplinary subcommittee.


Campaign Materials Itemization(Required)
Include all receipts and/or proof of purchase or donation for any listed item. Candidates must attach receipts or invoices of all itemized expenditures. Label receipt with the corresponding line-item number from the table below. (Example: For the first item on the table below, the corresponding receipt will be labeled "1".) To add additional lines, select the plus (+) sign.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Upload all applicable receipts for all campaign materials listed above.


    Please read and sign the following statement:

    I acknowledge that I have followed all campaign policies and procedures listed in this packet, and have abided by all campus policies, city, and county laws, and ordinances. I have conducted a campaign with integrity and have not removed, defaced, or covered another candidate’s campaign material. Additionally, I have conducted my campaign in a professional manner, refrained from any harassment, intimidation, undue influence, or threats to others.

    I have removed all campaign material, such as posters, sandwich boards, or any other item used during this election from all public locations.

    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.