ASI Student Government Presents: Civic Engagement Day


San Luis Obispo, Calif. 5/17/2024 – On May 29 from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., ASI Student Government will be holding the first-ever Civic Engagement Day event in Chumash Auditorium. Students will be able to meet with local and federal representatives including San Luis Obispo Mayor Erica Stewart, U.S. Congressman Salud Carbajal, California State Representative Dawn Addis, and more. Free Mr. Pickles sandwiches will be provided to those in attendance. Additionally, several campus organizations focused on civic engagement will be featured at this event. This includes Bridge Club, Cal Poly Democrats, Cal Poly Republicans, and the Political Science Club. The ASI External Affairs Committee hopes to give students the opportunity to learn more and get involved in local and federal politics. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to learn how you can make a difference in your community! This event is hosted and run by members of the ASI External Affairs committee, whose responsibilities include creating and maintaining relationships with relevant figures that govern life at Cal Poly. The External Affairs committee includes members from the ASI Board of Directors, the corporate governing board of ASI. The Board of Directors acts as the official voice of Cal Poly students and is comprised of elected representatives from each academic college. Their responsibilities range from oversight of ASI corporate activity to representing and advocating on behalf of students. As representatives of the Cal Poly student body, the Board of Directors hosts civic engagement oriented events to give students a chance to engage with and voice their concerns to officials. This opportunity is meant to serve all Cal Poly students regardless of background or ability.

Contact ASI External Affairs Representative, Reagan Denny at or visit Cal Poly Now for more information.
