Scott Drouin

Scott Drouin


Secretary of Accessibility, Alumni Council Representative

Third-year, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts

Email Scott

Branch: Executive Cabinet, Alumni Council

Scott is a third-year student in the College of Liberal Arts majoring in political science with a pre-law concentration. He is also minoring in ethnic studies and pursuing minors in queer studies and women and gender studies. Scott is passionate about improving the student experience at Cal Poly and is driven to improve campus and course accessibility for all students. This year, Scott will work on the ASI Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee and university-wide committees to achieve these goals. This is Scott’s second year in ASI Student Government transitioning from the Board of Directors to the Executive Cabinet. Outside of ASI, Scott is a member of the Phi Alpha Delta fraternity, the Political Science Club, and regularly performs with the Cal Poly Drag Club. Born and raised in San Diego, if you cannot find Scott on campus, he is probably at the beach. This year, Scott will serve as the Executive Cabinet's representative to the ASI Alumni Council.

Committees: ASI Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee, Disability Access and Inclusion Committee