Colin Shea
ASI Chief of Staff
Third-year, Business Administration, Orfalea College of Business
Branch: Executive Cabinet
Colin is a third year business administration major with a concentration in Financial Management. Colin serves as the ASI Chief of Staff. In this role, he is focused on managing the Executive Cabinet made of 9 secretaries set out to accomplish the goals of the ASI President. Additionally, he serves as one of Cal Poly’s four Governing Members to the California State Student Association (CSSA), with the purpose of representing all 23 campuses of the California State University. As a Governing Member Colin sits on the Audit Committee, focused on making recommendations to the CSSA Board of Directors related to the Annual Audit. Locally, Colin will serve as the Student-at-Large to the Student Community Liaison Committee.
Outside of his work in student government, Colin is a founding member of his fraternity and currently serves as chapter President. In April 2024, Colin represented 600,000+ Fraternity and Sorority life members from across the nation in Washington, DC with the Fraternal Government Relations Coalition (FGRC). In Washington DC, Colin specialized in advocacy for student Freedom of Association, Anti-Hazing Legislation, and the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (CHIA). In his free time, Colin is focused on projects ranging from home improvement to business ventures. At home, he spends his time wakesurfing, off-roading, and exploring the surrounding environment.
Committees: Cal Poly Opportunity Fee Committee, Campus Advisory Council, ASI Business & Finance Committee