Battle of the DJs Silent Disco
Friday, February 16, 2024
9 pm - 12 am
Free with PolyCard
Movin’ and groovin’ is what we do best. ASI Events is excited to have Cal Poly DJs performing silent disco set for students! Attendees will vote for their favorite set and the winning DJ will receive a fun prize. If you are a DJ seeking an opportunity to perform for your peers, stay tuned to our social media for information on how to get involved!

When: Friday, February 16, 2024; 9 pm - 12 am
Where: Chumash Auditorium
Julian A. McPhee University Union (Building 65, Room 205)
Student Price: Free with PolyCard
Event Contact Name: ASI Events
Event Contact Phone: 805-756-1112
Program Email: