ASI College Club Council Funding Policies & Procedures

Maximum Allotment: $424.00 + $0.16 per student per college


Approved by the ASI Board of Directors on February 3, 2021.


In support of the “ultimate college experience,” ASI College Club Council Funding is available for currently chartered College Club Councils to enhance their image, promote their college to students within their college, and encourage broad student involvement in college activities. ASI College Club Council Funding is to be used to create an opportunity for all students of the college to benefit from and, depending on the expenditure, to participate in.


Availability of, and procedures for, ASI College Club Council Funding will be publicized through the Clubs & Organizations website and by ASI Club Services through training and educations distributed to College Club Council officers and advisors.


Applying organizations must be currently chartered Cal Poly College Club Councils. College Club Councils are only eligible to receive ASI College Club Council Funding.

Terms of Funding

  1. Eligible organizations may apply for ASI College Club Council Funding to enhance their image, promote their college to students within the college, and encourage broad student involvement in college activities throughout the fiscal year.
  2. Approved organizations will receive up to $424.00 + $0.16 per student per college per year.
  3. ASI College Club Council Funding must be reconciled by the last day of the academic year (i.e. the Friday of spring quarter Dead Week).
  4. ASI reserves the right to disqualify any organization from applying for ASI College Club Council
    Funding indefinitely for attempts to defraud or deceive.
  5. All funding decisions will be made without regard to the viewpoint being expressed by the College Club Council.  For more information regarding ASI’s Viewpoint Neutrality Policy, please visit the ASI website.

Expenditure Guidelines

  1. ASI College Club Council Funding must be used for purposes consistent with the California State University Board of Trustees and Campus Administrative Policies.
  2. ASI College Club Council Funding cannot be transferred to another Cal Poly Club or College Club Council.
  3. The following expenditures of ASI College Club Council Funding are not permitted:
  4. Expenditures to directly support or oppose any candidate for public office, whether partisan or not, or to support or oppose any issue before the voters as required by California Education Code Title V, Section 42403
    1. Charitable donations
    2. Alcohol
    3. Door prizes, awards, gifts (including gift cards/certificates)

Application Procedures

  1. ASI Club Services will begin accepting applications July 1 in the Epicenter.
  2. ASI College Club Council Funding Applications are available on the ASI website.
  3. College Councils must complete the application, and obtain the original signatures of the president and advisor indicated on the current Charter.
  4. ASI College Club Council Funding appropriation decisions will be made by the ASI Chair of the Board until the Liaison positions are appointed. Liaisons are members of the ASI Board of Directors, appointed by the Chair of the Board.
  5. ASI College Club Council Funding appropriation decisions will be made by the ASI Club Funding
    Liaisons in conjunction with ASI Club Services staff.
  6. Submittal of an application for ASI College Club Council Funding does not guarantee funding will be allocated.

Disbursement of Funds

  1. A completed Club Payment Request Form (PRF) with appropriate back-up documentation must be submitted to ASI Club Services in order to access funds.
  2. Club PRF’s must be submitted no later than Friday of spring quarter, week 9. Late Club PRF’s will not be processed utilizing ASI College Council Funding.
  3. Expenses incurred prior to the date of ASI College Club Council Funding approval may be reimbursed using ASI College Club Council Funding, if the expenses occurred during the same fiscal year.