2020–21 Inclusive Excellence Plan

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


  • Amend the 2017–2022 ASI Strategic Plan to add a pillar specific to the organization’s commitment to inclusive excellence.
  • ASI will establish recruitment, hiring, and retention practices that create and sustain a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive Associated Students, Inc. in support of the entire campus community.
  • Create Inclusive Excellence curriculum for ASI full-time staff, student staff, and Student Government members that provides both in-person and virtual training opportunities.
  • Establish an ASI core value in support of ASI’s commitment to inclusive excellence.


  • Goal 1: The 2017–2022 ASI Strategic Plan was put on hold as a result of the impacts and reprioritizing required from the COVID-19 pandemic and the vacancy of a regular placement of the Executive Director position.
  • Goal 2: As related to Human Resources and DEI Standards:
    • All ASI job descriptions were updated to include the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
    • ASI has added a section outlining the DEI-related job functions of each position to all ASI job descriptions.
    • All members of search committees are required to complete an ASI developed Anti-Bias hiring training.
    • ASI implemented new recruitment pipelines for underrepresented and minoritized professional associations in order to attract a more diverse pool of applicants.
      • New recruitment platforms: The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, Latinos in Higher Ed, Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine, Diversity.com, Consortium of Higher Educations LGBT Resource, Workplace Diversity, Diverse Jobs, NCORE, Professional Diversity Network
    • Requirement established for all applicants for Full-Time and Student Manager positions to submit a personal diversity statement as part of the application process.
    • ASI participated in the campus-wide initiative to ensure that all student employees completed the Diversity.edu training program in 2019-2020.
    • DEI related goals and competencies were created for professional staff and incorporated into their annual performance review.
  • Goal 3: The DEI Foundational Training Program
    • 65 professional staff participated in the DEI training program and the majority of staff reported growth and development in all identified DEI learning outcomes.
  • Goal 4: ASI Core Values
    • Carried over to 2021–22 IEAP