ASI Board of Directors to Hold Special Meeting on Nov. 30, 2022


San Luis Obispo, Calif. Nov. 29, 2022 — The ASI Board of Directors will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 6:10 p.m. in the Julian A. McPhee University Union’s Room 220 (Building 65, Rm 220). Resolution #23-02: “ASI Board of Directors Stance on the Tenure Retreat of Former California State University (CSU) Chancellor Joseph I. Castro to Cal Poly” will be on the meeting agenda.  

ASI Student Government’s Board of Directors acts as the official voice of Cal Poly students. Student-elected representatives from each academic college serve on the board. The responsibilities of the board range from oversight of ASI corporate activity to representing and advocating on behalf of students.  

Board of Directors meetings are open to the general public, and the entire campus community is invited to attend. During the Open Forum portion of the gathering, meeting attendees are welcome toparticipate and provide public comment regarding topics that pertain to the board or the Cal Poly community. Open Forum is held during the first 30 minutes of every meeting. If you are unable to participate in a meeting but would like to address the board, you may send a letter to the Chair of the Board. Letters to the board will be read at the Nov. 30 special meeting.  

For more information or to request a copy of the agenda, please reach out to