Calling all College of Architecture and Environmental Design students ready to champion their college!
From June 1 at 9 a.m.–June 2 at 9 a.m., students can vote for their three favorite CAED write-in candidates for the ASI Board of Directors. Your Board of Directors has the ability to serve as the voice of the student body and act as the corporate governing body of ASI. The CAED candidates elected in this special election will directly represent their college.
Once voting begins, students will be able to vote for their favorite candidates by accessing the ballot through the ASI website and on their Cal Poly Portal. Following the voting period, winners will be announced on June 2, 2022. Visit the ASI website to learn more about the special election and the write-in candidates!
When to Vote
- June 1 at 9 a.m.: Voting Begins
- June 2 at 9 a.m.: Voting Ends
- June 2 at noon: Winners Announced
How to Vote
Use the “Submit a Write-In” button on the ballot and write in the name of the candidate you would like to add to the ballot. To submit multiple names, you must write in a new candidate every time.
- Once all write-ins have been added to the ballot, use the checkboxes to vote for the candidates of your choice.
- You can only select three candidates.
- Once you have made your decision, click next and submit to finalize your vote.
- You should receive a confirmation email once you have submitted your vote.
How to Run in the Special Election
Any student who wishes to run for candidacy and did not file or submit a candidate packet prior to the filing deadline can still run by filing as a write-in candidate. Write-in candidates’ names will not appear on the ballot and will need to be written in. Learn more about filing as a write-in candidate for the ASI Board of Directors.
Remember to set a reminder for June 1 at 9 a.m. Your vote counts! Don’t miss out on helping decide your campus’ next leaders!
For more information about ASI elections, contact ASI Recruitment & Elections Committee Chair, Jordan Perlas, at
A special election is being held for the College of Architecture and Environmental Design because quorum (voter minimums) was not met in a previous election. This election requires 50 eligible votes from the College of Architecture and Environmental Design students to make a quorum.