ASI Recreational Sports

Change Up Your Routine With Specialized Fitness Classes


If you’re looking to change up your fitness routine and try something new, look no further than fee-based-fitness classes at the Cal Poly Recreation Center! Take your workouts to the next level with a variety of unique class offerings at low costs.

By varying exercise routines, participants will not only stay physically challenged, but mentally stimulated as well. Classes are designed for a range of skill levels and incorporate a progressive framework to build on skills learned throughout the quarter.

Fall class offerings include:

  • Acro Yoga: Practice traditional yoga poses with a partner as you lift, stretch, and strengthen both your body and your personal connections with others. From the Greek Akro “high” and Sanskrit yoga “union,” this class seeks to elevate and expand your mental and physical horizons.
  • Beach Bootcamp: Train like an athlete with innovative, cutting-edge workouts that focus on speed and agility through high-intensity plyometric drills. Experience next-level performance training using kettlebells, sandbags, sleds, tires and more to elevate your fitness regimen and improve strength and endurance.
  • Capoeira: This is a martial art emphasizing fast kicks, subtle takedowns, flips, aerial attacks, and acrobatic movements. Evasive maneuvers create a continuous, improvised dialogue of attacks and escapes enhanced by musical instruments.
  • Masters Swimming: This is an advanced swim class geared toward improving ones current skills and for those who want to prepare for swim competitions and triathlons. To enroll, participants must be able to swim three out of the four competitive strokes (free, back, breast, and butterfly).
  • Krav Maga: This simple, reality-based self-defense class emphasizes instinctive movements, practical techniques, and training scenarios to build confidence, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and core strength.
  • Muay Thai Kickboxing: This traditional form of Thai kickboxing teaches hand and foot techniques, striking, and defensive skills while providing an intense cardiovascular and abdominal workout. Muay Thai is both a physical and mental discipline, using martial arts movements to train effective fighters.
  • Tai Chi: Tai Chi is an ancient form of internal martial arts designed to develop strength, coordination, and balance of the body and mind. This class will teach Chen style, one of the oldest styles of Tai Chi which is slightly more martial in its application. Learn Chen-style form as you develop fundamental martial arts skills to build confidence and strength in all aspects of your life.
  • Shorin Ryu Karate: Develop power, speed, and self-confidence as you practice traditional self-defense, fighting, and stretching movements using real-life situations in a formal and disciplined environment.
  • TRX (total resistance exercise): In this TRX circuit-training system, you’ll leverage gravity and your own body-resistance with additional equipment, such as jump ropes and medicine balls, to experience a comprehensive full-body workout.

Try any of the above classes for free during the first week of fall quarter! For more information and to register, visit ASI Access.

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