ASI Board of Directors Show Support for Student Opinion to Remove Noise Control Violation from Proposed Safety Enhancement Amendment
We all know that certain holidays warrant a little more celebrating than others. While the celebrating is never intended to get out-of-hand, sometimes the party can get a little crazy. Some of these past crazy parties have gained special attention from the City of San Luis Obispo to take measures to help control the clamorous events to ensure a safe public environment for the community.
One of the measures The City of San Luis Obispo has established are the Safety Enhancement Zone Violations that are placed into effect during the holiday periods of Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day, and Halloween. Violations of certain municipal codes committed while the zone is in effect are subject to double the fines up to a maximum of one thousand dollars. Currently the City is proposing an amendment would implement double fines in the first 17–21 days of March in accordance with St. Patrick’s Day.
Students agree with the need to ensure public safety at all times, but are recognizing some possible amendments to the scope of the proposed Safety Enhancement Zone. On November 30, 2016 the Cal Poly ASI Student Government Board of Directors passed Resolution #17-02 to remove noise control from the proposed Safety Enhancement Zone ordinance, excluding noise violation from the double fine period. The Board finds that the San Luis Municipal Code defines a General Noise Violation as a disturbance rather than a safety hazard and therefore should not be considered a Safety Enhancement Zone Violation. Board members believe it will negatively and financially burden the student body. Students find this exclusion would not diminish the plans effectiveness and would instill trust in the student population to host safe and responsible events.
The findings of a study session which was developed by the San Luis Obispo City Council will be brought to City Council by staff on January 17, and the resolution will be read during open discussion.
While the ASI Board of Directors is encouraging the San Luis Obispo City Council to consider this compromise, they are also requesting the City of San Luis Obispo Police Department provide them with a thorough report of violations during Spring Quarter to properly assess the ordinance’s effectiveness.
The resolution is currently being sent to the San Luis Obispo City Council, San Luis Obispo Police Department, President Armstrong, and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.